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How Effective Is Your Dry-Mist Solution?

Our machines are used to kill pathogens in hospitals around the World (for over ten years).

Our solution is EPA validated to be a  6-log kill rating, this is the highest EPA validated efficacy on the market today and represents a near-sterilization of the disinfected space. In medical shorthand, this is often referred to as a “greater-than-6-log reduction” or a “6-log kill.” It is the gold standard for whole room disinfection.  Reaching an efficacy of 99.9999% in the interior air and surfaces.


How Does It Work?

It treats the air and nonporous surfaces in one treatment.

The Halo dry-mist machine generates an aerosol that uses evaporation to quickly disperse hydrogen peroxide vapor and concentrated micro-droplet everywhere in rooms to kill germs and viruses where they hide, ensuring that our process reaches even those spaces beyond the reach of sprays, wipes and UV lights.

Sensitive To Smells And Chemicals Odors?

Our Halo solution has no fragrance added. 

The Halomist machine uses a proprietary formula that combines hydrogen peroxide and silver synergistically, releasing highly reactive free radicals that immediately begin to attack the cell membrane of the targeted microorganism. This weakens the cell and allows the silver ions to enter. Together, the silver and hydrogen peroxide destroys microorganisms more effectively than standard sanitizing solutions.  No bleach, no ammonia, no rise, and no residue. 

Five Questions to ask before hiring someone to disinfect my business or home in Santa Clarita, CA

We want to share what we have learned with our twenty-six years of experience and thousands of completed projects. We will tell you what pitfalls and scams to avoid. 


1. Is the person doing the work qualified? Do they have an OSHA HazWoper certification? The individual should produce an ID card showing they are current on certifications. 


2.  Do they have Indoor Air Quality Certifications?  Many approved EPA solutions can add VOCs to your indoor air...Are they making your indoor air quality worse or better? Site-specific plans should be prepared well ahead of treatments. 


3. Do they have General Liability insurance coverage?  Ask for a copy before they start.


4. How do they validate their work?  They should either be qualified to take a surface sample or provide test strips that show their services were successful. Ask those disinfecting your business to show you how they are monitoring the air quality while they work and to validate what they have done for you. A reputable company can provide that information. 


5. Ask what is being sprayed? The law states "You have a right to know". 

Do not ever let someone apply a homemade solution of bleach in your place of business.  Unfortunately, we see a lot of unqualified individuals offering services.  They have the potential to make your indoor air quality worse with caustic solutions. 


   Guidance from the CDC and our testing laboratory helps us tailor services for our customers based on science and not fear. Our single mission is to eradicate viruses, bacteria, germs and mold from our homes and businesses; therefore, we offer a wide range of services that accommodate nearly everyone's budget. We are in this together.

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What does it cost to disinfect my business or home
from viruses, mold, and pathogens in Santa Clarita, CA

Unfortunately, there isn't a one-size-fits-all when it comes to businesses.  Disinfecting shoe stores, barbershops, thrift stores, homes, churches, gyms, medical offices, and restaurants are all uniquely different. 


The EPA has an approved product list for killing COVID and other airborne pathogens. The cost and validation required to get on that list are expensive, products range from $125.00 to $400.00 per gallon.   At a minimum, these products require a certification/license to be applied. Technicians should have years of indoor air quality experience and OSHA Hazwoper certifications at a minimum.


There is a report in 2020 from the LA TIMES newspaper of disinfecting companies charging $0.50 to $2.50 per square foot for disinfecting businesses of COVID in the Los Angeles area. Of course this was before inflation hit every industry.


We have options at a fraction of that price!

While the medical-grade disinfecting equipment, EPA-approved solutions, General Liability (COVID Insurance), certified training, and personal protective gear are all expensive; Just know that business owners have options many options and we can help.


 What does it cost to disinfect a business or home in Santa Clarita for COVID?  Disinfecting businesses or homes by an Insured and Certified Team, you can expect to pay between $1.33 cents to $1.71 per square foot. Prices are dependent on many factors and which service is used Halo Treatment (Indoor air and surfaces) or Electrostatic gun (touchpoints only), ceiling height (e.g. 8 ft,10 ft, or 20 ft), and amount of inventory/furniture needing disinfection and other factors (listed below). NOTE: Let us remember we are putting technicians in harm's way when decontamination a home or business that has tested positive for viruses, bacteria, germs, or mold.



1.  Lower pricing is reserved for non-emergency services or for "Touchpoint" contracts for daily, weekly, or monthly business disinfecting services.


2. The option of the "Dry-Mist" Halo system for businesses that cannot have wet solutions applied to their inventory (for items such as clothes, paper, files, computers)


3. Customers want to treat the air and surfaces at the same time. Processes that treat the interior air and surfaces use far more products/solutions. The Halo dry mist solution is more effective than touchpoint services. 


4.  Rush services requiring less than 24-hour notice from 7 PM to 7 AM would also be in that upper price range. We have a complete informative article on the topic here.


5. Price may be slightly higher if we need to travel long distances out of our coverage of the area.


There is an exhaustive number of factors.  The best way to get an accurate price is to call us or email us for a no-obligation quote. 


These prices are similar across the county for certified decontamination services using educated OSHA Hazwoper-trained technicians. 



Mold  Remediation Service

Mold  Surface Testing Service

Environmental Testing

Radon Testing

Asbestos Testing

Smoke and Wildfire damage testing

EMF Testing RF Testing

VOC Testing Formaldehyde Testing

 Serving Santa Clarita, CA  

 Since 1994 

CR Environmental, LLC

"We Kill MOLD in Businesses and Homes"™

"We Test for MOLD in Businesses and Homes"™

Mon-Fri Hours: 9 AM -5 PM

Saturday & Sunday





Valencia, CA  (661)-877-1499

Hilo, HI 661 877 1499

Coeur d'Alene, ID (208)- 682-6777

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© 1994-2024 by ~"We Kill Mold In Businesses and Homes"~ The Mold Stomping "Elephant" are all Trademarks owned by CR Environmental and CR Construction. Silver Valley Mold is an affiliate located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

All Rights Reserved.


We decontaminate homes and businesses using medical industry equipment. When we refer to "decontaminating", "cleaning" or "sterilization" in our advertising, know that we are referring to our environmentally safe and superior dry-mist decontamination process. Our indoor air and surface treatment has an approved EPA efficacy rating of 99.999% and has been CDC validated.

The equipment used by our company is EPA-approved, CDC field validated, and has a thirteen-year global hospital track record.  

Contact our office for more details.


We proudly support our veterans and first responders charity


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